Commemorating the 200th anniversary of
Central American Independence
14.10. – 16.10 2021
FS Global History (University of Vienna) &
Center for Inter-American Studies (C.IAS) (University of Graz)
On September 15, 2021, five of the seven Central American Republics will celebrate the 200th anniversary of their independence (bicentenario) from the Spanish Crown in 1821.
The multidimensionality of the process requires a profound and interdisciplinary analysis due to the complex process of political emancipation with its multiple effects on the historical development in a cultural and ethnic enormous heterogeneous region.
Scholars within Central America and beyond have pointed out the necessity of shifting perspectives. Many of them are based on new archival sources as well as new research methods, which also demand a critical revision of traditional historiography. Often historical discourses of the 19th and early 20th centuries have served as founding myths of the individual nation-states. During the last decades, they were constantly deconstructed by different scholars. Recent studies in the field of Global History have contributed to a better understanding of this world region, which will also be discussed in the colloquium.
This conference seeks to bring together scholars to reflect on global, international, and transnational perspectives on the independence of Central America in 1821 and its impact until today. Visions, motivations, and perspectives from Central America reflecting on these changes with impact on the region until today will be discussed in terms of political, social, and economic reorientations.
- Independence movements, restauration, and the Independence of 1821 (1780-1821)
Bourbon reforms and resistance / Conspiracies, uprisings and other independencies / Revolutions in the context of the Revolutionary Atlantic - Between separatism and unification. Socio-political concepts and utopias during the Federal Republic of Central America (1823-1841)
Federalism and Republicanism / Congress of Panama (1825/26) / Morazanism / Civil Wars / Dissolution of the Central American Republic // - The consolidation of National States in Central America in the age of Imperialism (1841-1870)
US-American Filibusters / Agrarian capitalism / Identity politics / Dept policy / Foreign Visions about Central America (travelers/scientist) / - Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Dollar Diplomacy and Big Stick (1870-1941)
Caste Wars and the Republic of Yucatán / “Banana Republics” and US-Interventionism / Freemasonry / Anti-Imperialism; Panama Canal / Antiimperial Movements / Proto fascist Dictatorships - Dictatorship during WWII and Cold War in Central America (1941-1979)
Dictatorships and Populism / Panamericanism and Alliance for Progress / Arbenzism and Fidelism / Welfare State Costa Rica / Torrijism / Central American Integration System / Protests and Civil Wars - Revolution, Democracy and Neoliberalism (1979 – 2009)
Nicaraguan Revolution / Guerrilla War in El Salvador / The Independence of Belice / Drug trafficing and Noriegism / Contadora Group / Guatemalan Peace Treaty / Economic unifaction and political fragmentation / ALBA - Commemoration of the 200 anniversaries of Independence 1821 in 2021
Traditional Historiography and revision of the bicentenary (beyond the national frame) / Memory and Legacy / Commemorations
Concept and Organization:
Laurin Blecha (University of Vienna)
Christian Cwik (University of Graz)
14.-16. October 2021
Day 1: University of Vienna, 9.00 – 18.00hrs (Colloquium)
Day 2: From Vienna to Graz on the traces of Central America
Day 3: University of Graz, 9.00-16.00hrs (Colloquium)
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