2nd International Conference of the Colombian Association of Caribbean Studies (ACOLEC)
Barranquilla. June 15th-17th 2016
“Culture, Cities and Economy in the Caribbean: a Glance at the Shores” – www.acolec.org
All through the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, cities in the Caribbean were formed and shaped in relationship to various processes tied to imperial interests. Some cities were born as fortresses serving exploration and acted as trading cities; later on, in many an occasion, they became administrative centers for the Empire. Other cities far from the shores became agrarian villages, thus fulfilling their own function within the imperial structure. Still today, responding to capitalism, Caribbean urban centers and cities are re-accommodating to the demands of world economy, where cities play a crucial role.
In recent decades, cities in the Caribbean have experienced a systematic expansion. The emergence of economical growth areas resulting from globalization and changes in productive processes are some of the results. For coast cities, the expansion means a high potential for port-development as well as increased tourism flow. Both phenomena have effects on populations, since some cities attract international foreign population with investment capacity while others drive out local population or, on the contrary, draw urban migration.
Obviously, given such a context, there are important redesigns of the urban sphere, at all levels. All this makes of Caribbean coast cities today an issue deserving analysis.
The second International Conference of ACOLEC thus aims at dealing with such topics. Our goals are to stimulate discussions on the evolution of coast Caribbean cities in their urban, political, social, cultural and economical levels, following the challenges imposed on them by world capitalism.
Topic Areas (suggested but not limited to)
1. Development and Urban Transformations in the Caribbean
2. Port Cities and Urban Development
3. Urban Culture and Identity
4. City Tourism and Economy
5. Education and Urban Identity in the Caribbean
6. Cities in Caribbean Literature, Film And Art
7. Society, Poverty and Everyday Life
8. Race, Gender and Community
9. Semi-Urban Processes: From Rural to Urban Contexts
10. Political Processes: Democracy, Governability and Political Stability
11. Social Movements, Emerging Actors and Citizenship
12. Public Space, Mass Media and Memory in the Caribbean
13. Productive Systems and Enterprise Development
14. Border Cities and Integration in the Caribbean
15. Environment and Sustainability Issues in Caribbean Cities
16. Citizenship through the Arts in Caribbean Cities
17. Catastrophes, Citizenship and International Intervention
18. Architecture, History and Patrimonialization
The organizing committee invites scholars to submit fully constituted panels or individual papers, in Spanish or English. Panels should comprise at least three and no more than five presenters. Abstracts will be evaluated on an individual basis. Proposals are to be send simultaneously to:
presidencia@acolec.org; raulromanr@yahoo.com
vicepresidencia@acolec.org; joelcar1@hotmail.com
Proposals should contain:
1. Personal presenter information (name, last name, postal address, and e-mail)
2. Professional information (Academic title and institutional affiliation)
3. Paper/panel title, thematic area and abstract up to 500 words.
Deadline for paper/panel submission is 25th March 2016.
Accepted participants may sent full papers to be included in the Conference Proceedings by April 25 (in word, Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, and maximum 12 pages, bibliography included). More detailed editorial guidelines will be sent later on, regarding curated books resulting from the Conference.
Acceptance letters will be issued as proposals are submitted and evaluated. The final program will be published by the 10 May 2016.
Conference Fees
Registration before the 20th May
National Presenters: 150.000 Colombian pesos
International Presenters: USD $ 70
National Attendees//: 100.000 Colombian Pesos
International Attendees: USD$ 50
Students attendees: 50.000 CP or USD$35
Registration after the 21st May
National Presenters: 200.000 Colombian pesos
International Presenters: USD $100
National Attendees: 150.000 Colombian Pesos
International Attendees: USD$ 80
Students attendees: 70.000 CP or USD$50
No Membership to the Association is required to participate or present at the Conference.
Registration Fees must be deposited in savings account 516-329425-01, Banco de Colombia, to Asociación Colombiana de Estudios del Caribe-ACOLEC. A copy of the deposit receipt must be e-mailed to the four e-mails above mentioned.
Registration can also be paid the 15th June, at the Conference Registration Table.
Further information, questions, memberships and conference registration:
Association Chair:
Dr. Raúl Román Romero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
presidencia@acolec.org; raulromanr@yahoo.com
Association Vice-Chair and Program Manager, Universidad del Magdalena
Dr. Jorge E. Elías-Caro: Vicepresidente ACOLEC-Universidad del Magdalena vicepresidencia@acolec.org; joelcar1@hotmail.com
Academic Committee
Dr. Raúl Román Romero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Dr. Jorge Enrique Elías-Caro, Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia)
Dr. Antonino Vidal Ortega, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Msc, Muriel Vanegas Beltrán, Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia)
Dra. Veronique Benei, CNRS (Francia)
Dra. Mónica María del Valle, Universidad de la Salle (Colombia)
Dr. Joaquín Viloria de La Hoz, Banco de la República (Colombia)
Dr. Enrique Camacho Navarro, UNAM (México)
Advising Committee
Dra. Mu-Kien Sang Ben, Univ. Católica Madre Maestra (Rep. Dominicana)
Dr. Jorge Rodriguez Beruff, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Dr. Fabio Luis Barbosa Dos Santos, Univ. Federal de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
Dr. Yopahe Thiao, Universidad de París (Francia)
Msc, Daniel Gómez López, Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia)
Dr. Bernardo García Díaz, Universidad Veracruzana (México)
Dr. José Javier Colón Morera, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Msc. Hernando Motato C., Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia)
Dra. Adriana Santos Martínez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Dr. David Díaz Arias, Universidad de Costa Rica
Dra. Yusmidia Solano Suarez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Organizing and Supporting Institutions
Banco de la República
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Caribe
Gcaribe. Pensamento, cultura, literatura